The Signs of Meth Addiction
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Signs of Meth Addiction

Signs of Meth AddictionIt is important to know the signs of meth addiction especially if you suspect that a loved one or someone close to you is having problems due to meth use. There are a multitude of signs to be aware of and it is very common for people to overlook these signs and justify other reasons other than meth use as to why the crystal meth user is failing in life and behaving strangely.
The degree at which the signs of meth addiction show themselves differ from person to person and depend on many factors such as the amount of meth used, the method of injestion (swallowing, snorting, smoking, IV), the degree of addiction and the length of addiction. Here we will list some of the many signs of meth use and addiction.
  • Agitation
  • Rapid or excited speech
  • Increased physical activity levels
  • increased heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration
  • flushed or tense appearance
  • dilated pupils
  • bloodshot eyes
  • a chemical odor on their breath
  • excessive sweating
  • inability to sleep or eat
  • severe weightloss
  • rotting teeth
  • scars and open sores
  • Occasional episodes of sudden and violent behavior
  • paranoia
  • hallucinations (often times auditory)
  • repetitive behavior
  • memory loss
  • depression
  • psychosis
  • teeth grinding
  • restlessness
  • tremors
  • A tendency to compulsively clean and groom and repetitively sort and disassemble objects such as cars and other mechanical devices.

The Signs of Meth Addiction
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